Ulyanovsk, Sozidateley avenue, 94
+7 (8422) 20-13-96 Show on map

Contacts, location, reach the hotel

Ulyanovsk, Sozidateley avenue, 94 (Zavolzhsky district, Novy Gorod microdistrict)

Marketing and Advertising Department

Fusion Restaurant

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Aviastar Hotel is located on the left bank of the Volga River, directly at the entrance to the Novy Gorod microdistrict, next to the city-forming enterprise Aviastar-SP and a 15-20 minute drive from Ulyanovsk-Vostochny International Airport.

Our guests invariably note the convenient location of the hotel, close to restaurants, a stadium, a fitness center, railway and air booking offices, shopping and entertainment centers and public transport stops.

LLC Hotel Aviastar
OGRN 1127328002670
TIN 7328068972, KPP 732801001, OKPO 97645591
telephone/ fax reception: 8(8422) 20-13-96
telephone/ fax bookkeeping: 8(8422) 21-01-65
удобное расположение гостиницы
Гостиница «Авиастар»

Location and Surrounding Area

Another Aviastar Hotel advantage is its convenient location. The restaurant of Georgian cuisine Antresol, The Bulki bar, Ikra sushi bar, coffee shop Dali, Cube fitness center, Aviator sports center, Kryl'ya cinema, McDonalds, Samolyot and Veles shopping centers, Lenta hypermarket, Pyaterochka, Gulliver and Magnit supermarkets are located near the hotel.

Several bus stops with public transport passing through all major urban routes are available within walking distance. It is also easy to get to Aviastar-SP factory, Zavolzhye industrial zone and the airport from the hotel.


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